1. A TRUE GHOST STORY -- Connie's thrilling 30-minute dramatic presentation, like an old radio show, with her inter-dimensional original music. Whether you're 8 or 88, don't miss this "Ghost Whisperer" experience, three decades before the TV show existed. Terrific for an All Hallow's Eve gathering, or a Halloween slumber party. VERY scary -- then funny -- then a beautiful ending!
Terror Attacks: PORTAL to Understanding Life, Death, Loss, and Transcendence
"Who the Evildoers Really Are."
That's the subtitle of Connie's 55-minute lecture on audio CD, re September
11th. A gently spoken overview of covert operations within the US which
have deceived and disempowered the American people, while enriching and
empowering insiders. September 11th was only the latest. The digital
download is available at
, MP3tunes.com,
Now, Buy.com,
Music, Rhapsody, etc.
2. Connie's Comments - My blog. Incisive observations on political, cultural, and spiritual topics based on personal commitment to accuracy and honesty.
3. Planetization: The Invincibility of a Vision -- deeply inspiring and highly informative concept for a New Earth, based on Justice and Prosperity for all.
4. Bashar - a brilliantly intelligent and exciting ET who speaks through channel Darryl Anka.
5. Dan Millman - a deeply wise and humble and inspiring teacher/author, Way of the Peaceful Warrior and MORE!
6. Deepak Chopra M.D. - international metaphysical author/teacher/healer.
7. Paramahansa Yogananda - articulate, affectionate spiritual master, founder of Self-Realization Fellowship (SRF)
8. A Course In Miracles - revolutionary clarification of Christ's presence and message (3-vol. book).
9. Ken Carey - author of visionary books that explain - and make you FEEL - the positive awakening occurring on Earth .
10. Ken Keyes - author of many loving books on relationships and self-determination.
11. Robert G. Ingersoll - popular orator of the late 1800's who denounced religion and championed all individuals' rights.
(See Ingersoll also in my "Metaphysical Principles" - Spirituality & Religion page)
12. Freethought - the missing link in every American's citizen's education. A very clear and easy to use web site.
13. Freethought products - radically funny gift items for enlightened minds.
14. The History Channel - If you like history, this site is for you! This is a huge site that is an excellent place to begin your research!
15. Wholeographic Self - Webmaster, Mark Smith, explores ideas about our identity.
16. UFOria Research - "A vision of the universe that tells us... how rare and precious we all are."
17. The Quantum Awakening - THE QUANTUM AWAKENING" A Free Global electronic newsletter. Cutting edge Channeled information which Activates Stellar /Cellular DNA Remembrance, Initiates Solar Lightbody activation. Enter the Apex of the Photon Light. 11:11 ACTIVATION PRODUCTS, Quantum Ascension Orchid/Gem essences, Energy Activation tapes, Soul Activation readings.
1. Amazing Brain Music Adventure - A fun and positive site from Neil Slade, featuring a massive amount of brain information, books, and music.
2. Robin Akins - a local friend/genius and the host Server for this site. A renaissance man who's had a Very Interesting Life!
3. David Hykes -from his web site..." composer, singer, visual and media artist, contemplative music researcher and teacher, lecturer, author. David Hykes is the founder, with his colleagues of the Harmonic Choir, of the harmonic chant, a unique and evolutionary fusion of sacred chant with the knowledge of the harmonic series as found through the human voice. The harmonic chant is an inspired and original body of musical knowledge and practices which, like Gregorian chant and Tuvan throat-singing, transmits timeless and traditional musical knowledge in timely new ways. It is both contemplative and dynamic."
5. Jonathan
Goldman -
from his web site..."Jonathan Goldman is a writer, musician and teacher. An
authority on sound healing and pioneer in the field of harmonics, he is the
author of HEALING SOUNDS: THE POWER OF HARMONICS, now in its seventh printing
from Element Books. Jonathan has studied with masters of sound from both the
scientific and the spiritual traditions, including the Dalai Lama's Chanting
Gyuto and Gyume Monks and has been empowered by the Chant Master of the Drepung
Loseling Monastery to teach Tibetan Overtone Chanting."
4. John Major Jenkins - from his web site..."an independent researcher who has devoted himself to reconstructing ancient Maya cosmology and philosophy. Since beginning his odyssey of research and discovery with the Maya, John has authored dozens of articles and seven books, including Journey to the Mayan Underworld (1989), Tzolkin: Visionary Perspectives and Calendar Studies (1992/1994), and Maya Cosmogenesis 2012 (1998). . John's careful scholarship and cutting-edge insights into why the Maya chose 2012 to end a great World Age cycle has been endorsed by some of the most progressive thinkers of our day."
© 1999 Connie Cook Smith
Email: dimension04 AT sbcglobal DOT net