A Brief but Breathtaking Healing of World History

© 1999

explaining the following concepts:

What Each Individual Truly Is

What God is Really Like

What Pain and Suffering Actually Are

What Jesus Really Did -- "THE CHRIST CORRECTIONS"

How to Create Heaven on Earth

(READING TIME: approx. 30 minutes) 


(In the beginning...)



Each and every one of us is essentially Energy.

As physics informs us, energy can never be destroyed.

It only transforms.

Or as Robert Ingersoll, a popular 19th century

American lecturer, stated it:

"If life is eternal, it is a fact of nature,

not a matter of belief."

The first Metaphysical Principle therefore is:

It is a fact of nature that we are eternal,

because we are essentially energy.

Energy never dies, it only transforms.

We do not "die." We only transform.



The energy that we are is Intelligence,

or the same stuff that many call "God."

Intelligent Energy is the basis of everything that we call Creation.

Intelligent Energy is the reason the universe

manifests orderly systems,

such as atomic particles circling a nucleus

and planets spinning around stars.

Intelligent Energy always seeks to express itself

in orderly and beautiful ways,

because it IS intelligent.

Our bodies are inherently orderly and intelligent systems,

normally whole, normally self-healing,

unless the Intelligence is disrupted or diverted

at some points of development.

Yet even these diversions and disruptions have purpose

that are part of a Greater Order and Bigger Picture

which seldom has been taught on Earth.

But despite disruptions, which can be explained,

Intelligent Energy and Order


is the inter-penetrating and omni-pervasive matrix of all reality -

be it sun or stone

water or wind

animal or plant

or person, just like you.

The second Metaphysical Principle then is:

Essentially, we are all the same-one-wonderful Energy.

Inherently, we are all-one-with the radiant Intelligence

that is God.




Integral to the order and beauty of Intelligence, of God,

is a quality little understood on Earth.

It is Love.

In human terms, Love usually refers instead to need.

A baby needs good nurturer-parents.

Children need good teacher-parents.

And as every caregiver knows,

little ones are often more needy than loving!

Men and women need good partners, good friends,

good work, good associates.

But, of course, we hear complaints in these areas

because needs are not being met.




Sometimes in these interactions,

the true quality of Love actually manifests.

One does not so much need the other

as appreciates, respects, and honors the other.

One gives to the other and likes the other

without any bargain being struck,

without any deal being made,

without any exchange being wanted or expected.

But such True Love, based on True Security, is rare on Earth.

To have that consistently, it would be necessary to be reminded

all through childhood

about the Intelligence and Love you are perpetually part of.

It would be necessary to be reminded all through childhood

about the same-one-wonderful Energy that relates you to all others.




But in many religions, where most standards come from,

"the God that loves you"

is presented as one who will hurt you if you displease Him.

In human relationships,

such pathological "love"

is properly recognized as abuse,

and some progress is being made on Earth

towards understanding the difference -

towards understanding what Love is NOT.

But many children still grow up,

made insecure and confused and fearful --

or arrogant, contemptuous, and aggressive --

by the teaching that God will have you tortured in hell

if you are not slavishly obedient.

Would Intelligence do such a thing?

Would real Love do this?

The principal tragedy of the human race

is a God-Concept made from man's fearful negativity,

as opposed to humans being taught how to become secure in Intelligence and Love.

The third Metaphysical Principle then is Love -

what it is, and what it is not:


Love-Intelligence-Energy-God is unconditional giving,

like the ever-radiant sun.

It never goes out, it never turns off, it never withdraws.

We turn away from It, but It does not turn away from us.

Even when we cannot see it, Its Light always is.

Even when we cannot perceive it, God's Loving Intelligence always is.





is like the Air in our daily lives,


It is so very healthy to think of God

as being like Sunlight and Air -

there for you, sustaining you,

no matter what.

Certainly you may sometimes feel the need for forgiveness,

such as when you harm another.

But the forgiveness you seek comes from making amends to the one you harmed.

From God, forgiveness is never necessary,

for you cannot harm God!



Can you offend Light?

You may prefer darkness, but Light still shines, unaffected.

Can you hurt Air?

You may pollute it, but that only harms You.

God's Intelligence is too Great to be offended

and too Good to be vengeful.

But so many of our religions present God to us

as petty.

Stories in books that are said to be Holy

give accounts of God as everything from moody to murderous

more often than

Wise and Great and Good.




Isn't it becoming clear that such tales

are projections of man's ignorance,

and not portraits of God's Reality?

Humans have suffered mightily

under a mobster-model of God.

"Do as I say or I'll break your kneecaps!"

snarls a bully gangster.

"Obey Me or I'll send you to hell!"

snarls a bully "God."

But at last, we are sorting out love from abuse,

distinguishing mental health from criminal illness.

discerning good from bad,

And from this a New Age is dawning.




If our essential reality is indeed at-one-with God

as Eternal Intelligent Energy,

then what happened?

Where IS all the love and wonder and joy and order

we naturally should be experiencing?

How is it that we live (and die) on a planet

of pain and disease and lack and loss and sorrow?

Well...it was an Experiment.

Not an experiment by God upon us,

but an experiment by us, upon ourselves.



You see, there we were,

utterly blissful as Energy Essences,

at Home in Eternity,

where we are always new

because it is always now.

There we were, at Home in Infinity,

where there's more and more and more to look forward to


There we were, utterly immersed in Ultimate Reality,

which is the totally interconnected and harmonious ONE.

We were playing like dolphins in an ocean of Affection and Abundance

and Respect and Honor

and Freedom and Fullness,

deeply at-one-with Wholeness, Perfection, Ease, and Joy.

Whereupon some of us decided: Let's play a new game!

Knowing how cherished and how power-filled we are,

we decided to pretend to NOT be that way...



And so, some of us began to play as if...

Some of us began to imagine and to establish scenarios

in which we melodramatically "star" in a play

in which we are NOT beloved, infinite, and eternal Beings.

A play, in fact, in which we can be exactly the opposite!

We imagined dramas in which we are unloved, unappreciated,

severely limited Beings

who are always "growing older."

And the topper to this idea is:

It actually seems that we die!

It actually seems that we end!

Humanity's brother, Jesus, referred to this when he said,

"Know you not you are gods? Yet you die like men."

He knew we wanted to remember it was all just a play,

in which "men" are our ROLES, while "gods" is our REALITY.

Are you starting to remember?




The idea that we could die, could end, was greeted with great hilarity

when we first thought of it.

We knew that "none of us would ever buy into that!"

And so we became very creative, in order to play this game.

In order to produce this long-running play,

we devised a whole series of other ideas,

of game-rules and situations and feelings

which would make it imperative for death to seem real -

because otherwise, this melodrama just wouldn't fly!

This game of "The Opposite of What We Are"

just wouldn't be credible

if we didn't firmly establish premises leading to

the "inevitable reality of death."




All this, of course, was looked upon with enormous amusement

by the Greater Creator.





For these "inevitable realities," we came up with a most ingenious device called Time.

Or Time/Space, as it turned out.

Time/Space would be the stage for our play.

Time/Space would be the construct

that we artificially carved out of our home within Eternity and Infinity,

so that our True State of Being -

which is Greater and Greater and Forever and Forever --

would no longer seem real.

Time/Space would provide the very-real-seeming


for us to deeply, convincingly, pretend to be

The Opposite of the Eternal and Infinite Energies That We Are.

A stage is an artificial place

which features entrances and exits, beginnings and endings,

and a tremendous variety of possibilities

in order to keep the stories and games looping around and around.




But we realized, as Energy Essences,

we would still be too aware of Eternity and Infinity.

We would still be too in touch with Reality

unless we came up with some way to become more deeply convinced

by the "reality" of our stage of Time and Space.

"Somebody" came up with the idea of BODIES.

Actually, it was a concept of "costumes," originally.

A concept of coverings that would contain and limit

that which really is not containable nor limited --




This was getting funnier and funnier!

But how perfectly ingenious.

Now we truly had the means by which

to utterly disguise our Reality from ourselves

and from each other.




"Body" was a very difficult concept for us

as limitless Beings.

For the first time we felt a pang at the idea

that we must come up with something

to filter out most of Reality.

We felt a bit of alarm that we would take on something

to block out Eternity and Infinity,

something that would prevent us from experiencing the fullsome grandeur of Reality,

which is Love and Intelligence

and Affection and Approval

and Abundance and Honor and Freedom

and Beauty and Order

and Comfortable Connection with All.

For the first time we wondered

whether separating ourselves off from Perfection

was really a fun idea.

But then, certainly, we would never really "fall for it,"

would we?




Are you beginning to remember here

that the legend of The Fall, appearing in almost every culture,

is only "falling for" an Idea?

We didn't "rebel" and "get kicked out of heaven" -

although that guilt-producing idea

has been very important towards keeping our play grinding on.

As long as we are told that we offended God -

or are told that God can be offended --

that's how long we'll fear God,

or deny God,

and imaginarily stay separated off from our Home Sweet Home.




From Home, from our natural, eternal point of view,

it seems like fun, it seems exciting and challenging

to not only experience a melodramatic opposite reality,

but to get thoroughly lost and terrified in it,

or even to numb out to it and just be resigned to awful circumstances.

Like children exploring a town's old haunted house --

knowing perfectly well that our safe, warm home is nearby --

we not only wanted to go into that empty house,

we wanted to pretend we couldn't get back out.

Now there's an impossibility!

For Beings of Light and Love and Power and Freedom

to get trapped in darkness and in fear

and to get stuck in all of fear's spin-offs

from rage to despair,

well, many of us said, "It can't be done!"

This was as astonishing and as amusing as when we came up with

the idea that we could shut off awareness

of our Eternal Reality

and call what we're doing now instead "Life."

This was as bizarre as when we came up with the concept

that we could seem to die, or end,

and so created Bodies in order to simulate that effect.


This next phase of our experiment became exceptionally ingenious

as we imagined several more ideas to restrict Reality:

"male and female," "childhood," and "reincarnation."

The division known as male and female

(sometimes blurry, to make it even more confusing),

the smallness and helplessness known as childhood,

and the seemingly endless cycles of reincarnation

are all excellent props for a melodrama.

What a marvelous game, we thought.

How exciting as we confront all these obstacles,

then find our way past them all

back to Reality!

How gratifying to begin to see through the temporary make-believe

of being "a male," "a female," "a child,"

"a Chinese," "an American," "a black person," "a white person."

At first, how fun to get completely convinced by such limited definitions.

Then how glorious to burst out of them

by finding and remembering the Truth:

that every one of us instead

is a Perfect Being of Light and Love and Power and Freedom!

"Know ye not ye are gods?"



But then...

perhaps we thought it would still be too easy.

From our God/Intelligence immersion in Eternity and Infinity,

it seemed very unlikely we would ever really believe

that any of our confining costumes and rotating roles on Earth

were actually our "identity."

So we came up with the strangest idea of them all:


Some said, "This is going too far. I want no part of this game."

And they did not play.

They remained anchored in the bliss of Reality and are known as Angels

to us who went forward with our Creation of Earth.



Other factions decided to form less extreme creations

by devising less severe limitations and distortions.

Many of these are the "life on other planets"

and the "more advanced civilizations"

that we're dimly becoming aware of now on Earth.



But the rest of us bent to our task,

rather insanely excited at the prospect

of writing scripts and enforcing "laws"

for the purpose of convincing ourselves that we are powerless,

and that God and Self and other Selves

are more to be feared than enjoyed.




Again, there were those who said we couldn't pull it off.

The absurdity of believing we could be separate from

Intelligence and Affection -

separate from what we're actually made of -

this was awfully far out!

And then being told we must therefore "worship God"

- mainly through flattery and fear --

that seemed like a dopey idea.

But someone fiendishly insisted that since we always come onstage in Time and Space

as helpless little bodies

we will do what we're told.




Thus, as helpless children,

many of us are told we must worship God because he demands it --

and that God will get grumpy and abusive if we don't.

Thus, as helpless children,

many of us are told that we are basically not good,

that we are "sinful" by nature,

which creates a constant, subconscious state of insecurity and doubt -

quite the opposite of the love and good will and competence that we're capable of.

And so, from such made-up premises,

every silly-nasty scenario can easily unfold!

And Planet Earth, our fantasy-world of separation from God,

of separation from Perpetual Good,

of separation from our real and beauteous Self

is complete




We realized that this game-rule,

the teaching that we are essentially bad,

once started, doesn't even have to be directly taught

"as time goes on."

Once this is abroad in the world,

even those who avoid this religious teaching

will be contaminated to some degree with doubt that they are good,

and will live accordingly.

And as the generations absorb this like sponges,

"our sinful nature" proves itself out

over and over and over.

In this play, we behave as we believe.




Well, now we knew we had something!

We decided we'd better install a few fail-safes,

just in case we did get trapped, after all --

lost in time and space and various roles and melodramas.

A few agreed to wait and see if things got too crazy,

whereupon they would then appear on our stage as "saviors"

to remind us of who and what we really are.




Jesus was one of the ones who tried to wake us up from the spell of our play.

He explained, "I come to liberate the oppressed,

to release all prisoners."

I came to liberate you, to release you.

He reminded us: "Know you not you are gods?"

He assured us:

"More than servants, you are my friends."

"All that I do, you shall do also, and more than this shall you do."

"I come that you may have life, and have it abundantly."

"I come that your joy may be full!"

He defended the man doing what he needed on the sabbath, explaining,

"The sabbath was made for man,

not man for the sabbath." (Mark 2:27)

He even praised the woman who left the kitchen-work

and joined the men as an equal -- unheard of in those days! --

to hear the wonderful teachings

about what men and women really are.

So we killed him.




Jesus' reminders were totally contrary to our game-rules, to our "laws" by that time,

so we did away with this lawbreaker.

Religious authorities especially wanted to punish and abolish this man

who was demonstrating to all that "we are gods."

For one reason, the authorities who control humanity

by instilling the fear that we are not gods --

that we are helpless or bad --

would find their "superior status" collapsing.

And for another reason, we are so brainwashed in this game of not-being-who-we-really-are

that we ourselves label as "bad" any teaching that we are good!

In the supposedly Christian world, we especially "must reject" any teaching

that says we are the same as Jesus,

even though he said so himself.

"All that I do, you shall do also..."




Jesus' appearance after his death was just one more big reminder

that we do not really die.

But even those closest to him didn't get the point -

which is, no one ever really dies!

To repeat Ingersoll: "If life is eternal, it is a fact of nature,

not a matter of belief" in a particular religion.

Just think of all the times that Jesus scolded his disciples for not "getting" what he was saying!

Perhaps this is why, after the crucifixion,

he appeared first to Mary Magdalene and the other women,

entrusting them to tell the disciples.

From this you can see that the gospel,

the eternal-life "good news" of Christianity

started out with the women telling the men,

not the other way around.

But sadly, the disciples --

those who "often didn't get it" --

made themselves the new religious authorities.

And Jesus' name and image and words

were soon put to use to enforce the old Earth-game of powerlessness,

rather than to liberate us and release us

as he had wanted.




But we are free to correct it all now.

We are free to wake up from the spell of our play.

We are free to "get it" at last.

Jesus said, "Do this in remembrance of me."

But that was only a dinner.

Keep in mind that Jesus was criticized for not following the dietary laws

and was labeled in the Bible as "a glutton and a wine-bibber."

When he said, "Do this in remembrance of me," it was a dinner, a feast.

It was an occasion of companionship and celebration and focus

on the teachings that liberate us.

Indeed, the earliest Christians did not "go to church."

The first Christians held dinners where they discussed and celebrated

Jesus' teachings of abundant life, and full joy, and becoming like him.

This is what Christianity should be like today.

But strangely, the last supper with Jesus

is taught as the ancient-world, pre-Christian practice

of eating the body and drinking the blood of human sacrifice.

How Jesus came to be portrayed as conducting this old, pagan ceremony

is something our biblical scholars need to explain and correct.



And what about the ugly image of a brutalized man hanging in death?

Isn't this as tasteless as displaying an image

of a loved one's mangled body from a car wreck?

Isn't this a continuation of the barbaric old practice

of publicly displaying the dead bodies of executed victims --

as a warning to others to not "get uppity?"

A crucifixion, historically, is something that men cruelly do to each other -

it's not something that God would ever think of.

It's not the product of Intelligence.

To attribute such brutality to God's nature and God's will

shows how far gone, how far lost we are

in our insane game.

It demonstrates how deep is our confusion between love and abuse

and good and bad.


But then, that was the purpose of our game,

to play the opposite-of-what-we-are to the point that

even God is the opposite of God!

To play opposites to the point that God is taught as something petty or vicious or pathetic.

Another example is Moses.

Doing "God's will," as always,

Moses ordered his soldiers to kill all the enemy's little boys

and "keep all the girls for yourselves." (Numbers 31:17&18)

For these murders and rapes,

Moses today would be properly excoriated and indicted as a war criminal.

And, as many people already realize in this awakening age,

the moody and murderous God of Moses is not to be admired.

But this is not a condemnation of all those who have been indoctrinated

- or coerced as children -

into believing in such a god.

To quote Robert Ingersoll again:

"I don't dislike the man who has the disease.

"I dislike the disease that has the man."

Jesus is one of many teachers who came to liberate humanity from the disease.

His flaunting of the dietary laws and breaking of the sabbath and empowerment of women,

his emphasis that "your belief is what healed you"

(because "you are gods")

were all demonstrations of liberation from the disease of false religious beliefs,

still sadly passed down from one generation to the next.


But all is well.

We are free to shift our focus from "what we've been told"

and "what we must believe"

to what Jesus and many other spiritual teachers have demonstrated

about our real nature and the real God.

Jesus advised us to "seek heaven first, and all else will be added on to you."

He explained that "it's the Father's good pleasure to give you heaven,"

and told you where to find it - where to find your happy, eternal Home.

"Heaven is within you."

"Heaven is in the midst of you."

"Heaven is at hand" (where you can reach it).

He recommended that in order to regain access to your heavenly home --

FIRST thing everyday, give yourself some time.

Before you take on the world and get caught back up in the play, first, do as he said:

"Come apart and rest awhile."

"Toil not, like the lilies in the field."

"Neither sow nor reap nor store up in barns."

"Take no thought for tomorrow."

"Be as little children" (unconcerned, unburdened).

"Be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world."

(and "All that I do, you shall do also.")

"My peace I give to you." (Not pressure.)

"Be ye perfect," remember down deep you are perfect -- undisturbed --

"as your father in heaven (within you) is perfect."


Keep the perspective that Jesus came to liberate you, to release you,

that he wants you to "have life abundantly" and for "your joy to be full."

Remember he explained that "more than servants, you are my friends," and

"all that I do, you shall do also, and more than this shall you do."

Understand at last that it's not a matter of believing in him.

It's a matter of believing what he said.

And what he said is: "you are gods."


As you focus on these teachings and "seek heaven first" each day,

as you enter a timeless place of perfection every 24-hour cycle,

your real nature of peace and beauty and power begin to emerge.

You yourself begin to "overcome the world,"

and you start to understand how to "be in the world but not of it."

Yet paradoxically, you serve the world better than you have ever done before.


After one of my own "heaven-sessions" one morning, I realized:

The drop is ONE with the ocean,

the cell is ONE with the body,

the human is ONE with all beings,

the Self is ONE with God.

And in this deep awareness of alignment with all,

I remembered a moment when I was a young teen.

I awoke one morning and exclaimed,

"I just know I'm one cell in the body of God."

When I hold this awareness,

I sense that I deeply belong, wherever I am.

When I activate this awareness, I know that simultaneously

I am essential to whatever place I'm in

while this place needs me and supports me completely.

And as long as I never seek to undermine another,

the system within me and around me is healthy.

As one cell in the body of God,

I am related to and connected to and sustained by every other cell,

as are they by me.

But I also know I have my very own, private Joy of Being.

It is complete. It is



Not far in the future,

this holographic view –

this alignment-with-all awareness –

may joyfully permeate the Earth, and we may all feel deeply connected

but free.

We are approaching the end of one of the Great Cycles in our Game

which occurs every 26,000 years.

We will experience an Earth/Sun alignment with the absolute center of the Milky Way

on December 21, 2012.

This is also known as the End of the Mayan Calendar.

But rather than the "end of the world,"

this crossover to the other side of our galaxy represents the REVERSAL

of the recent eons of conquest and suffering.

The values are already shifting

from analytical conquest to intuitive cooperation,

from hierarchy to equality,

from polarity to unity.

We are coming into the potential to globally and ecstatically remember

who and what we truly are!

The old melodrama of masters and slaves and winners and losers

is winding down.

A new experiment,

a "Let’s Create Heaven on Earth" play,

is about to begin.



Thus we can summarize METAPHYSICAL PRINCIPLES –


#1 You are basically energy.

Energy cannot be destroyed, only transformed.

#2 The energy that you are is characterized by the God-energy you come from:

Intelligence, Affection, Abundance, Perfection, One-ness, Pure Joy.

#3 This energy is the matrix of all reality,

is behind and interspersed through all of creation

within every moment.

#4 We are playing a game, starring in a play, called

The Opposite of What You Are.

We manifest this "oppositeness" in a dazzling array

of divisions, separations, limitations, beliefs, teachings,

and mainly, IDENTITIES.

Such identities keep us blind to our powerful, eternal reality,

keep us cut off from our comfortable one-ness with others,

and lacking in natural intimacy with God.

Our limited identities create emptiness and loss, dis-ease and pain.

But even if you’re living the happiest life possible on Earth,

it still looks like someday you will die and lose it all!

Fortunately, as we approach 2012 A.D.

there are more Waker-Uppers like Jesus than ever before.

And it doesn’t matter at all Who you believe in.


Are you merely a human identity

of a certain race, gender, nationality, or religion?

Or are you an Infinite Spiritual Being

playing so briefly

as something so much less?

"Heaven is within you. Heaven is in the midst of you. You are a god."

Eternity, Infinity, and God intersperse every atom of your body.

You can feel this,

if you allow yourself to be aware of it at least once a day.

If you "seek heaven first" everyday, you do become blissfully aware:

Not only is heaven in the midst of you,

but you are still, and always,

in the midst

of heaven.






© 1999 Connie Cook Smith

Email: dimension04 AT sbcglobal DOT net