All Is Truly Well

 Connie Cook Smith


Dear friends,

Despite the ugly world of Bush and Company, Mark and I daily attend to what may be summed up best by A Course in Miracles: Nothing real can be threatened.

What is ultimately real? For one thing, all my life I've known I'm an Eternal Being. A man who addressed this very well was Robert Ingersoll, a 19th century orator and humanitarian. He said, "If life is eternal, it's a fact of nature, not a matter of belief."

I do think Eternal Life is a fact of nature, as expressed by physics: Energy cannot be destroyed, it only transforms. You cannot be destroyed, you only transform. The essence of you ALWAYS IS, no matter what. You have always been, and you will always be. The Energy that is You is indestructible.

I think it's awful that the Invention of Theology placed artificial conditions on this -- such as, you have eternal life only IF this that or the other -- or you have a GOOD eternal life only IF this that or the other. I think it's terrible that men have used Jesus to promote the basically vicious notion that you will be badly hurt forevermore -- sent to hell -- just because you can't believe that only Christians are "saved."

"Christians Only" over the gates of heaven are as wrong and as odious to me as "Whites Only" signs in the South. Both come from the idea that "God says..." The rationale is that "God says" slaves must obey their masters (with whites being the masters). "God says" Christians are saved and others are not.

"But the Bible says..." The Bible says that Moses should kill all the enemy's boys and "keep the girls for yourselves." The Bible says too many things that are man's sickness, not God's goodness, both Old and New Testament. And when the Bible is used to hurt people, to exclude people, to manipulate people, I bet my eternal life on the certainty that those passages have nothing to do with God.

Discrimination, prejudice, exclusivity against humanity comes from sick human thinking -- it never comes from God. No one is left out of Love -- Heaven -- unless they believe that and live that way for awhile. Sooner or later, in the eternal nature of life, everyone re-finds the Love for them. And then, whether in the body or beyond it, they live according to THAT. And all are welcome in the heavenly reality of Love, here or elsewhere, because their own Love automatically connects them to it.

This is the authentic "salvation plan" -- the fact of nature that you are eternal, and the love that inherently implies.

And certainly, discovering the Love For You can occur whether or not you've had the opportunity to hear about Jesus. Millions of people before Jesus had no opportunity, and millions today are forbidden to know Jesus. It's just RIDICULOUS to think that God would come up with such a screwy, elitist, exclusive, not-to-mention PATHETICALLY inadequate plan! What a FAILURE of a plan! Children die everyday with no knowledge of Jesus. No way is this often-impossible condition an idea that comes from God.

When Jesus said, "Only through me..." he meant "through what I'm saying." Only through what I'm saying, only through these ways, these methodologies, only through these concepts I'm sharing can the Love and Peace and Freedom of God be found. He learned how to do that, and he was teaching people how to do that. He learned how to become One with God, and he explained perfectly clearly, "All I do, you shall do also."

As for burning in hell, certainly we suffer the acute pain of NOT KNOWING how deeply loved we are -- UNTIL WE DO LEARN IT. It IS hell not experiencing the support and peace you can have from doing what Jesus (and many others) have learned. (Such as, "Seek heaven first -- it's within YOU, it's in the midst of YOU, it's at hand" -- where you can reach it.)

But feeling like we're in hell is not due to some Mafia-like Godfather sending us there because we didn't flatter him. How PETTY do they think the God-Intelligence IS?? This vicious idea is the worst case of God being crafted in man's image, instead of the other way around. The God-Idea that punishes you for not sucking up to him comes from man's ego -- certainly not from the Real God's Wisdom and Love.

Maybe sooner than later, I'll complete my book on this...

Meanwhile, in an increasingly ugly Bush-world, we have the option (and the ever-increasing motivation!) to find heaven within -- to "be still" and know that you are loved -- and to remember that you are Beautiful. Life on earth clouds our be-as-a-child, innocent beauty. But IT IS STILL THERE, under all the abuse and sorrow and fear! Heaven is within you -- the love and beauty are still, always, within you. It simply must be attended to, focused on, allowed, permitted. And gratefully enjoyed. Every single morning. Every single day.

Mark and I further know now that millions and millions of people all over the Earth are committed to the same values we are. Ironically, Bush's Ugliness has triggered an outpouring of Earth's Beauty -- i.e., the millions and millions of good people who far outnumber the villains in this play. We KNOW we're not alone! And we shall prevail.

Let the Bush League act out like enfants terrible -- they will get the consequences. Let us ACTIVELY focus on God's Love and our inherent Beauty -- we will get the benefits. This is HOW we shall prevail.

Nothing real can be threatened -- you are Eternal, you are Loved, you are Beautiful. YOU are what's real -- even when all the Earth passes away. We all will know this, beyond any doubt, sooner or later. So all is truly well.


Connie Cook Smith


© 1999 Connie Cook Smith

Email: dimension04 AT sbcglobal DOT net