Completing the Wholegraphic
Bridging The Duality
Being that it has become known that a quality of a hologram is that the whole is the part and the part is the whole, then logically the relationship between them would seem extremely important and meaningful.
Could it be that this important relationship is the beautiful Golden Mean Proportion? (The Phi ratio N = 1:1.618)
Being an "irrational" number, it could be said that it is a number that really isn't a number. Said another way, this ratio is expressed within the language of numbers yet points to a different language entirely.
The Golden Proportion (The Golden Ratio) is defined as a unique relationship between two stages of growth found in nature that acts as a formula for harmony and beauty.
In practical human terms, could it also be then that this relationship/ratio is respect - respect between myself (the part) and "God" (the Whole)? Being that both respect and the phi ratio are about relationship, could these two be the same thing but seen in different clothing?
Could this respectful relationship between the part and the whole be our holographic nature? When this respectful relationship between the part and the whole is seen and expressed as unconditional love, perhaps we humans will be consciously aware of our holographic (or Wholeographic) nature?
Like a mirror, this holographic concept (or wholeness perspective), could also be akin to a jigsaw puzzle except each individual piece reflects the bigger picture.
The scientific understanding of the holographic model is capable of transforming into a religious idea (and vise versa)... the individual person reflects God and God reflects the individual person. Also, it is both a proportionally precise and a lovingly respectful relationship between myself and God - myself and others - myself and nature.
Many people believe that God (the whole) loves the individual (the part).
Therefore when an individual chooses to love God
a holographic circuit is completed!
Does not a completed circuit result in a functionality that is meaningful? Individuals then would feel more complete, more whole, less incomplete.
Taking inspiration from the book The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot, a fascinating difference between a photograph and a hologram is that if you cut a photograph in half, you’re left with 2 halves. But in a hologram, if you cut its film in half, you’re left with 2 wholes, because every portion of a piece of holographic film contains all of the information of the whole image.
Here we see a holographic film as a plate. Lets say it's encoded with the image of an apple. To the naked eye it looks like raindrops on the surface of a pond, yet are called interference patterns.
Even if the plate is broken into fragments, each piece can still be used to reconstruct the entire image of the apple because, again, each piece contains all of the information of the whole image. And when a laser beam is pointed at a fragment, a 3-dimensional image of the apple still appears.
This feature greatly inspired neurophysiologist Karl Pribram theorizing that memory is not located in cells but rather in interference patterns, believing the brain itself operates according to the same mathematical principles as a hologram. "If it is possible for every portion of a piece of holographic film to contain all the information necessary to create a whole image, then it seemed equally possible for every part of the brain to contain all the information necessary to recall a whole memory." (pg. 17 of "The Holographic Universe")
And I would add to the above sentence "...then it seemed equally possible for every part of humanity to contain all the information necessary to recall a wholeness perspective."
To me, this image of broken fragments is humanity, where each fracture represents an individual soul, cut off and disconnected from the other pieces, from itself, and from the whole image - or the image of the entire universe, All That Is, God.
Further, we could also say that each individual piece of this holographic film is the CENTER of the entire image. Perhaps, like the hologram, each individual soul of humanity is also a center of an entire whole? Seen in this way, every single person in the universe has within themselves all the information of the entire universe - naturally - and has within themselves a natural connection to all the strength and support needed for whole health. And that we are not alone in this connection. For me, this is a very hopeful thought!
The Golden Proportion contains a natural harmony, an ordering process, a unifying relationship, and a source for beauty. Leonardo da Vinci expressed the natural phenomena of the Golden Proportion (also called The Divine Proportion), "...every part is disposed (inclined) to unite with the whole, that it may thereby escape from its incompleteness."
A human interpretation of his expression of this divine proportion is -
Every individual is naturally inclined to unite with God.
And, unlike in the world where each individual/part is seen as a small and often insignificant piece of a whole system (the sum of the parts equal a whole), alternatively in the realm of God/Whole, from my perspective each individual/part is seen as an integral piece in the whole all that is. This is a more personal view of the holographic model. (To be clear, even though the part is contained in the whole and I am contained in God, I am not saying I alone am God. I am saying I along with all people, all creation, all, are God.)
"God Himself is incomplete without me." - A Course In Miracles.
"I am one cell in the body of God." Connie Cook Smith
The nature of the mind is to perceive dualistically (two) - myself and God, myself and others, us and them, this and that, you (the reader) and your screen (the monitor). Even the very structure of this sentence which points to a non-duality: "The drop reflects the ocean," is itself dualistic - a subject (drop) and an object (ocean). Therefore physicality can only point to non-physicality. It cannot be, and is not, a substitute for it.
The observer (inner life) and the observed (outer life) are not two separate things. They are actually one event.
The two merge into one...
M O Y T S H E E L R F - I O N U S T I S D I E D E
Yet this holographic nature of ourselves (and a wholeness perspective) can sadly be obscured and distorted by the dualistic-perceiving mind.
Thus we can explore these pointers...
The drop reflects the ocean.
The ocean reflects the drop.
The microcosm including itself within the macrocosm.
The macrocosm including itself within the microcosm.
The whole and the part are a reflection of the other.
Here is a poem that I think helps one humbly feel a presence of wholeness:
A perspective that in the embracing of our own personal good and bad, strength and weakness, triumphs and failings,
it can then be possible that our humanness can connect with our Divinity.
By Grey Wood
I have known about The All almost all my life.
There was me… and there was all that was not me.
There was all I could see… and all I could not see.
There was all I could be… and all I could not be.
There was all I could understand… and all I could never understand.
There was all I could ever imagine… and all I could never imagine.
But that was still not All …
Many have said God is All… and each describes their All to me.
I know each All of theirs might be… but none of their Alls agree…
And none The All that occurs to me.
Describing is defining limits…
The All has no limits… thus cannot be defined.
All is all you know all to be… and all that you do not.
All includes all that’s pleasant and beautiful… and all that’s not…
All includes all that’s desirable and enjoyable… and all that’s not…
And that’s not All …
I discovered it is not just what I can be…
I discovered there is nothing that is not me or thee…
I am not All but All is all of we.
We live in succession, in division, in parts, in particles. Meantime within man is the soul of the whole; the wise silence; the universal beauty, to which every part and particle is equally related, the eternal ONE. And this deep power in which we exist and whose beatitude is all accessible to us, is not only self-sufficing and perfect in every hour, but the act of seeing and the thing seen, the seer and the spectacle, the subject and the object, are one. We see the world piece by piece, as the sun, the moon, the animal, the tree; but the whole, of which these are shining parts, is the soul.
from "The Oversoul"
An essay by Ralph Waldo Emerson in 1841.
"I get up, I get down" - Yes
Namasté - I acknowledge and respect the innate Wholeness within you
I acknowledge and respect the innate Wholeness within me
within this knowledge we are one - we are Whole.
At the time of this writing (9-23-01), it has been 12 days since the horrible attacks on the World Trade Center. Could a holographic blending in our perception be one of the most important things we can do - by allowing the polarities of "us" and "them" to dissolve?
by Mark Smith
A video below suggesting that a human being is akin to a wholeness perspective (part in the whole/whole in the part), and that humans contain a natural inclination toward the good of the whole.